Life’s a Journey

Life is a journey,

not meant to be trod,

not a clear path into the light,

But what life is against all odds,

is a race requiring wit and might,

We trick ourselves into believing,

greatness is born within a night,

But those who achieve it,

and stake their claim,

Knows greatness demands great sacrifice,

Life’s a journey not meant to be trod,

a highway it seems in these changing times,

Life’s a journey,

a gift from god,

whose path is mapped by our state of minds,

A path that must be created with care,

and above all else without any fear,

For fear is a prison,

an enslaver of the mind,

A blocker of thoughts,

a killer of pride,

Life’s a journey not meant to be trod,

It demands that we open our eyes,

Life’s a journey,

a mystery unsolved,

Unraveled when faith becomes our guide.

– Anonymous.

“My alone feels…

“My alone feels so good, I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude”
― Warsan Shire

Chapter 20

I’m searching for something.

I don’t know what it is, yet I continue to look.

I have no guidance, no distinct path,

But I know what I seek is worth the journey.

I search,

looking underneath each man’s ego and within the cracks of his heart.

I pour love, inspiration, and truth into the broken pieces of his soul, leaving

behind the unforgettable scent of my paradoxity on his breath.

I make sure to gently touch each whom I pass by on my way,

leaving my hand prints on the hearts of many.

And then I keep walking.

I met some, who gave me pieces of the picture, but none willing to paint with me.

One day I looked deep inside and found a map, but instead of words and symbols it said

“you know the way”.

It is now chapter twenty,  and I still have not found that which I seek.

My map is life,

and I use my heart as my only sense of direction.

I wouldn’t be so evasive, if you weren’t trying to hold me captive, consistency will never be a word that will come to my mind when you think of me. So let me preserve my mystery.

I’m only an artist, searching for a muse.


Below is an original painting by the author of this publication Tranqu(ill). It is a mixed media piece consisting of acrylic paint and pencil crayon.



Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants. Also as the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.

Keeping these definitions in mind, are any of us really free?

Sometimes I wish to be more free.

From the restraints placed on me by everybody.

They tell me they love me for me, but thats all a lie, because how can you really love me if you’ve never even met me?

Only your version of me,

Of who you wish I could be.

I’m not perfect, nor do I wish to be.

So may I be perfectly imperfect, and who I want to be?


I feel like I’m suffocating.



You Remind Me of the Moon

You remind me of the full moon.

so close… yet far out of reach

the look of love, once had but never to be found again.

You come around every once in a while and shine… subtle, yet humble.

With a silent , demanding, hypnotic power.

the remnants of our love restricted to the longing in our eye connection.

until we look away… trying to forget the unforgettable.

I’ve decided to love you from a far.

detached myself from the possibility and accepted love without ownership.

Instead of trying to have you for myself I will let you run free and share your light with the world.

Hoping for the chance to once again be a star supporting your light.



Admiring Love From A Far.

I admire love from a far because thats all i’ve ever done and all I know how to do. I love to love,

I live to love,

I love to witness love.

I love to witness love flourish and develop; the romance open its wings and fly. I love to be present during the process of love,

to aid in love,

to encourage in love,

to assist in love.

I am love, but I do not love. I do not love because I cannot love. because love is not synonymous with fear. When it comes to life I am welcoming, energetic, and full of insight. When it comes to love I am uneasy, cautious and insecure.

I want to love and be loved back. Thats all I want and all i’ve ever wanted.

But I am not easy to love,

I am dangerous to love.

none but one will ever get the chance to love me, because one is all I need. One that will give me his all without fear.

I am only human, plagued with imperfections.

Do my imperfections and perplextions sway the direction of your affection?

I hope not.
