Its not easy…

Finding yourself is a continuous journey. it is not a straight path nor is it a path with an end or resolution. It’s a continuous cycle of finding yourself, to lose yourself, only to discover yourself in new ways that were foreign to you before. However, a large part of finding yourself is learning that you have the ability to create yourself as well. Your character is not fixed, it is a matter of our own perception and ego, rather than a rigid definition.

We learn best through others, we learn best through being flexible and adapting to new situations outside of our comfort zone that we may consider foreign. We learn the hardest, most uncomfortable, yet most significant and revolutionary lessons when we decide to commit to an experience without judgment of the situation, and most importantly without judgment of ourselves.

The path is not an easy one, many lose themselves to a life that was only supposed to be a lesson, so it is not for the faint of heart.

Its important to have a core sense of who you are, in order to come outside of yourself and expand your experience. When you are finished and you have learned your lesson, you can take what you’ve learned and use them as building blocks to broaden your scope of awareness and widen your perspective of who you are.

There were certain characteristics that I used to define myself. I believed them to be absolute truth, because that’s who I knew myself as, and how others defined me. This definition of myself was in no way wrong or bad. Its just that I learned that it didn’t have to be my truth if I didn’t want it to be.

I started to feel like some of the characteristics were working against me. They were causing me to end up in situations where I was being taken for granted, hurt, and manipulated. I decided that I did not want to define myself in those ways anymore, and change my narrative from the victim to my own hero.

We all have a choice of perspective in the narrative of our lives. we all have trials and tribulations. What matters most is what you do with them. We are not always taught that we have this choice. The most common narrative is that of the victim, where we talk about all the ways how others have wronged us and how unfair our life is, without looking for and admitting to the ways where we do not take responsibility for ourselves and our own happiness.

You can choose your path. You can choose who you want to be and start surrounding yourself with like minds and people who represent or support that image. You do not have to stay in relationships, friendships and situations where you are being treated in a way that you do not want to. take responsibility for yourself.